Commoner: A Commoner is a normal citizen of Cyrodiil, with no real meaning to their life other than to serve the Empire. Bless their little hardworking souls!
A Commoner is a new recruit or a punished member.
Soldier: As a soldier enlisted in the forces of the Dominion in Cyrodiil, Soldiers are the largest rank by number of the Charm School. Eagerly awaiting the feast of blood surely there for the taking, they risk their lives daily for a chance at glory, or maybe more... the Emperorship.
A Soldier needs only be Alliance Rank 1 for a promotion from Commoner.
Bizarro Snarg: This is a special rank awarded to a Soldier who happened to look exactly like Snargatron, my uniquely mustached lanky thin pale vampire dark elf.
There is only one Snarg... and only one Bizarro Snarg.
Merchant: Merchants have the ability to deposit items into the Guild Vault, as they are trusted to know what to trade and what to throw away.
Merchants power the War, and the War powers Cyrodiil.
Guild Herald: Guild Herald is a rank awarded to those who serve to recruit others into the Charm School. By recruiting a single member, and sending In-Game Mail to @Snargatron, you will be promoted, and have access to Guild Vault Gold! Remember, don't be a sneaky thief! Enforcers are watching the Guild Records!
There have been many Soldiers made richer than a Craft Master simply by Heralding properly.
Craft Master: Craft Master is a rank earned by reaching 50 in one or more Crafting abilities. Upon promotion a Craft Master can access the full Guild Vault, see above rules!
Each Craft Master is known very well to the Snarg...
Lord Commander: Our finest, battle-tested warriors, a Lord Commander is also available to answer your PVP questions!
It is said a Lord Commander can slay four EP, two DC, and a partridge in a pear-tree.
Agent: An Agent of the Charm School has the power to promote... and demote all members, as well as run operations using guild funds on any scale. If you need information on your class, talk to these folks as well!
Snarg: Hi! @Snargatron for any questions :)