Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thornblade, December Wrap Up

Thornblade - December - Wrap Up

Written - December 31st

Thornblade Day 29

Well the reality has set in. We lost the campaign to EP, that I believe is a math absolute, no arguing, maybe we'll cripple someone as we enter into the next Thornblade, but we definitely have had a close campaign!

Personally I still think Zangief's 30 hour Emperor run with a 9k point gain early on drove home the win for them (See earlier post), and the hard fought scroll defenses in the past few days proves the Pact deserves the win.

Another factor early on (First two weeks mainly) was the rearranging of AD guilds, much of which has settled now for the coming campaign. We'll see who has more firepower! I've seen some DC faces around that are going to cause plenty of Havoc...

Cheers, here's a video I whipped up with footage from Dec 30th, Day 28 Thornblade. 

Thanks much for the support and be sure to check for more Elder Scrolls Online content from my Charm School members!


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